Make a Blood Balancer Juice
Make a Blood Balancer Juice
Golden Kiwi-Fruit
Golden Kiwi fruit (which has a golden coloured flesh) is much sweeter, creamier, and less acidic than the traditional green kiwi fruits and juices well in a cold press juicer.
The taste of this juice recipe is tangy and sweet. It has a creamy texture almost like a smoothie with a yummy strawberry flavour.
6 golden kiwi fruits
250g strawberries (1 punnet)
1 cucumber
Time: 4 mins
Juice Qty: 900ml
Various Fruit
Juice whole with skin on
Juice whole with green leaves
Cut into chunks to fit down the chute
Juice with skin on
Juicing Method
Start with the golden kiwi fruits.
Add them one at a time and allow the juicer to press each one fully through before adding the next one.
Next, add all the strawberries and again let the juicer push out all the pulp.
Finish with the cucumber pieces adding one piece at a time.
Tip: Kiwi fruit should be left on the counter to ripen until they yield under gentle pressure, like a ripe mango or avocado. If they get too soft they do not push through the juicer very well.
Healthy Benefits
This juice recipe is perfect for cardiovascular health.
Kiwis in general help improve the flow inside the blood arteries by saving the blood cells from clotting.
Golden kiwi can also assist with High blood pressure or hypertension because it’s rich in potassium.
Strawberries contain ellagic acid and flavonoids which are good for cardiovascular health and can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and help to lower cholesterol.
Strawberries can also help maintain a healthy heart rhythm and heart muscle strength.
Cucumber juice is a highly alkalinizing and hydrating drink that is rich in nutrients that help minimize dirty blood syndrome by helping reduce fats and toxins inside the blood.
Happy Juicing!