Make a 3 C’s Juice


This juice recipe supports a healthy digestive system. Carrot, Cabbage and Celery are all known to greatly assist the stomach and intestines – which is why I call it Three C’s.

This recipe is mild on the digestive system and palatable to drink especially when you are feeling ‘out to sea’ (i.e. great for nausea). The flavour is sweet and a little bitter with a pungent aroma that is distinctively cabbage.


  • 6 carrots

  • 1/4 cabbage

  • 3 celery stalks

Juicing Time: 6 mins

Juice Qty: 750ml

Serves: 3



  • Cut carrots lengthwise down the center

  • Juice with skin on

  • Note: If larger carrots are used cut lengthwise again, into long quarters


  • Cut into slices about 5cm wide

  • Chop into pieces small enough to fit down the chute


  • Chop into small thumb size pieces across the stalks (this shortens the long stringy cellulose fibre and stops it wrapping around the press)

  • You can juice celery leaves, however it will add bitterness, so discard if you don’t like the flavour


Juice the cabbage first. The pieces will make lots of noise when they are pressed through the juicer so don’t be alarmed if it is loud, it is perfectly okay.

Next start adding the carrot halves. The first one or two will help push and remaining cabbage leaves through. Go slowly with the carrots making sure each piece is fully pressed before adding more.

Finish with the celery. Once cut you can add them in handfuls at a time.


Tip: the fresher the carrots the more juice you will extract and less pulp will end up in the juice.

Happy Juicing!