Make a Fruity Sour

Papaya Cut in half on Green background


This juice recipe is a perfect way to get more papaya into your diet. It is often overlooked for juicing but with a kuvings cold press juicer, it extracts lots of juice and pairs well with many other fruits.

This recipe is creamy and smoothie-like with a good sharp bite of sour flavour that pairs well with the sweetness of the papaya.


  • 1/2 papaya

  • 1 grapefruit (red)

  • 150g raspberries (1 punnet)

  • 1/2 lime

Time: 4 mins
Juice Qty: 600ml

fruity sour ingredients

Tip: How to tell when your papaya is ripe
The thing to pay attention to is color. The skin of the papaya will slowly start to turn from green to yellow as it begins to ripen. When it's almost fully yellow and a little soft to the touch, your papaya is ready.



  • Scoop out the seeds as their strong peppery flavour will overpower the juice (yes you can juice them)

  • Cut in several chunks to fit down the chute

  • Leave the skin on


  • Remove the outer skin keeping as much white pith as possible

  • Cut into halves or quarters to fit into the wide chute


  • Juice whole


  • Thinly slice off the outer skin

  • Juice whole

Removing seeds from Papaya

Juicing Method

A quick and easy cold press juice to make but you need to start with the softer ingredients first.
I started by adding all the raspberries into the chute.
Next, add the papaya pieces a few at a time. Let the juicer press all the papaya flesh through before adding the citrus.
Finish with the lime and then the grapefruit.

Finished drink in glass with ingredients beside

Healthy Benefits

This juice recipe is ideal for boosting your Immune System.
We all know that citrus fruits and berries and great immune-boosting foods but there’s one fruit that is often overlooked for boosting up one's immune system. This may surprise you, but Papaya is a great immunity booster.
Papaya contains more vitamin C than oranges and just half a papaya contains 158% of the amount of vitamin C that a person is generally advised to consume each day. This juice recipe packs a massive 250% of your daily vitamin C requirements into one juice!
Papaya is one of the most nutrient-dense and healing fruits on the planet.
It is extremely high in beta carotene, vitamins C & A, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron.
There are digestive enzymes in papaya that produce anti-inflammatory effects in the body. Inflammation is known to be a contributing factor to a weak immune system.
The black seeds inside the papaya are completely edible and can act as an effective vermicide or worm remover. They are quite peppery when eaten or added to your juice. Totally up to you.