Make Squeaky Green Juice



The best way I know to get a lot more greens into your diet is to juice them and this recipe is packed with heaps of fresh, green produce that is both refreshing and alkalising.
The juice taste is very light, watery and refreshing. It will leave you feeling squeaky clean and well hydrated.


  • 1 lettuce head

  • 3 celery stalks

  • 1 baby spinach handful

  • 1 mint leaves handful

Juicing Time: 4 min
Juice Qty:  900ml


Lettuce (1 min)

  • cut in half then into quarters then in to eighth

  • juice in 1/8th size pieces

Cucumber (15 sec)

  • Cut into several chunks to fit down the chute 

  • Juice with skin on

Celery (30 sec)

  • Chop into small pieces (5cm) across the stalks to cut the long stringy fibre

  • You can juice the leaves if you like the bitter taste otherwise discard

Baby Spinach (0 sec)

  • No prep needed

  • juice leaves whole

Mint (30 sec)

  • remove the leaves from the woody stems

  • juice leave whole


You need to take your time with the ingredients in this juice.

Start with the lettuce. Go slow and use your pusher to help get each piece pushed down onto the press inside the juicer.

Next juice the celery pieces. They will help push the lettuce through the strainer.

I then grab the handful of the spinach leaves and squeeze them into a tight ball in my hand before adding them to the chute of the juice. I then do the same with the mint leaves. 

Let the juicer squeeze and press all the leaves.

Finish with the cucumber pieces adding one at a time waiting for each piece to go through before adding the next piece.


Healthy Benefits

A head of lettuce (use any variety) helps the brain by clearing blood plaque and increasing blood flow to the brain.  It has an extremely low calorie content and high water volume and is actually a very nutritious food.

Lettuce is an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, manganese and chromium.

They say lettuce keeps the brain young and the heart fun.

Spinach contains the powerful antioxidants glutathione and alpha lipoic acid. Spinach is a great source of B1, B2 and B6, all vital for the body to convert food to energy.

Cucumber juice is a highly alkalinising and hydrating. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, silicon, and potassium.

Mint can also promote blood circulation and improve metabolism making it an excellent choice for cleansing.