Make Sweet Greens Juice
Who loves spinach... especially raw spinach? Remember Popeye cartoons and the strength he got from eating spinach. Well it turns out spinach is an amazing health food and I think this juice recipe will help you consume more raw spinach in your diet.
The juice has a well-balanced flavour profile with just enough sweetness. It is light, refreshing and minty.
4 celery stalks
2 pears
1/2 spinach bunch
1/2 mint bunch
Juicing Time: 4 mins
Juice Qty: 750ml
Chop into small thumb size pieces across the stalks (this shortens the long stringy cellulose fibre and stops it from wrapping around the press)
You can juice celery leaves, however, it will add bitterness, so discard if you don’t like this
Remove the hard wooden stems
Juice whole or cut in half if too big to fit into the wide chute
Remove the leaves from the woody stems
Fill a sink with water and wash well
Roughly chop leaves and roots
Juice handfuls at a time
Start with the pears, they juice easily. Add them in whole one at a time.
Next, add all the mint in one handful.
Next, add handfuls of spinach one at a time. You may need to use the pusher to push the green down onto the press.
Finish with the celery. Again add handfuls at a time and use the pusher if needed.
Tip: When buying whole bunches of spinach, look for leaves that are crisp and dark green, and avoid those that are yellow, limp, or wilted. Wash your spinach just before using – not before storing and use within 3-5 days.