Make a Cosmopolitan Mocktail

Cosmopolitan mocktail on bench surrounded by lime and cranberries


This one is for those who might be doing dry July next month. It might be easier for you to replace the evening alcoholic drink with a healthy juice or a conscious cocktail known as a Mocktail.

I really liked the flavour of this juice, it had a deep dry taste and when you eat the green olive with the juice it pairs nicely.


  • 200g pineapple

  • 1/2 lime

  • 150ml cranberry juice

  • 2 green olives

Juicing Time: 2 mins
Juice Qty: 360ml, serves 2

Tip: Get your cranberry juice from a health food store NOT a supermarket. Read the label, it will say made from 100% freshly pressed, certified organic cranberries. This juice is undiluted, with nothing artificial added.



  • Slice off the outer skin

  • Chop into pieces and measure the weight 200g


  • Cut off one end

  • Cut in half

  • Thinly slice off the outer skin


Keep the cap closed on the kuvings juicer when making this recipe to help blend the flavours.

Start with the pineapple. You can add the entire amount into the wide chute.

Once the pineapple pieces have pressed through the kuvings juicer, pour the cranberry juice down the chute into the juicer.

Finally, add the lime and let the juice mix inside the kuvings juicer for about 10 seconds.

Pour into Martini glasses and drop a green olive into the mix.

Health Benefits

Cranberries are known to significantly boost the immune system and have a natural antibiotic effect on the body due to their high level of antioxidants

Cranberries contain one of nature’s most potent vasodilators which opens up congested bronchial tubes and pathways making them essential for healing any respiratory condition.

Cranberry juice has also been shown to increase the desirable “friendly” bacteria in the digestive tract which benefits digestive disorders such as IBS, colitis, gastritis, indigestion, gas, bloating, and constipation.

Pineapple’s healing compounds act as brushing mechanisms that help clean up and drive out sticky mucus or debris that can build up inside the tubes of the body. They are very effective artery “scrubbers” that prevent atherosclerosis by breaking down plaque in the arteries.

Limes are one of the most powerful healing and cleansing foods known for the Lymphatic System. They help flush out toxins, especially when added to water and taken first thing in the morning.