Make a Pineapple Syrup Juice

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The next time you get cold-like symptoms, take advantage of the tasty and soothing powers of pineapple and try making your own natural cough syrup.

The juice recipe is warmed slightly on the stove and I have to say drinking this juice feels like a massive hug from mother nature herself.

I do like to use raw Manuka honey for its added soothing properties. We stock Waraadaa Manuka Honey which is 100% Australian made and certified Manuka.


  • 1/2 pineapple

  • 1 lemon

  • 2 tsp Manuka honey (raw)

Juicing Time: 4 minutes
Cooking Time: 1 minute
Juice Qty: 500ml, two serves

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  • Slice off the outer skin

  • Cut into long thin strips to fit down the chute

  • Chop the core into small chunks


  • Remove stickers and cut off any hard end points

Slice lemons into rounds with skin on to give more flavour and get more juice from each lemon.

Juicing Method

Start with the pineapple strips.

Add them one at a time letting each strip press through before adding the next.

Add the pineapple core chunks 3 or 4 pieces at a time.

Finish making the juice by adding all the lemon slices at the same time.

Next, gently heat the juice in a saucepan over medium heat until just above body temperature, approx. 1 minute. Use your finger to test the heat. Don't let the juice boil as it will reduce the nutritional components.

Turn off the heat and stir in the Manuka honey before serving.

Drink immediately.

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Healthy Benefits

Pineapple strengthens the immune system. Look at the amour of protection around the flesh. The fruit can take up to 2 years from flower to fruit. It has to outlast all four seasons... twice!!!

This resilient, strong nature of a single pineapple gets passed onto us when we consume them.

Most of us reach for a glass of fresh orange juice when we get the sniffles. We know we need a vitamin C boost and a glass or two of freshly made, pressed orange juice is certainly going to help, but maybe next time consider a glass of warm pineapple juice instead.

Pineapple has large amounts of vitamin C like its orange cousin, but it also has bromelain, an enzyme that helps suppress coughs and loosens the mucus that often accompanies colds.

The power of bromelain and vitamin C work together as a bacteria fighter, mucus cutter, cough suppressant, and overall immune system booster in the body.

Pineapple is also an excellent source of the trace mineral manganese. Just one cup of fresh pineapple juice supplies 76% RDI of this very important trace mineral.

Raw Manuka Honey, completely unprocessed, unheated honey is preferable; it has the ability to dry up mucus, treat sore throats, and ease congestion.

The sugar in raw honey is nothing like processed sugar—don’t confuse it with table sugar. Man makes white sugar. Bees collect from plant species far and wide, and the glucose in honey is saturated with more than 200,000 phytochemical compounds.

Raw honey contains B12 coenzymes and helps repairs DNA. Raw honey also assists your body in keeping a strong first line of defense by strengthening neutrophils and macrophages (white blood cells) so they can fight off pathogens.

Lemons are also rich in vitamins C and B-complex and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, copper, and potassium. Lemon juice is known to be particularly beneficial for colds, coughs, sore throats and fevers.

Happy Juicing

Fiona Stevenson