Make a Zucchini Cooler Drink

Zucchini Drink in Glass


This juice recipe is perfect for any hot summer day.

Put it in the fridge to get it nice and cold or pour over ice when serving.

It has a light vegetable flavour that is refreshing and tangy.

zucchini on white background


  • 2 zucchini

  • 2 cucumber

  • 1 lemon (peeled)

Juicing Time: 2 mins
Juice Qty: 500ml
Serves: 1

Tip: Zucchini gets bitter as they grow bigger so avoid any larger zucchini for juicing. Look for firm zucchini without any divots in the skin which come from overhandling.

zucchini cooler ingredients on board



  • Cut into chunks or down the middle (depending on your feeding chute)

  • Juice with skin on


  • Cut into chunks or down the middle (depending on your feeding chute)

  • Juice with skin on


  • Thinly slice off the skin leaving as much white pith as you can

  • Juice whole


A quick and easy juice to make.

Start with the cucumbers and the zucchini.

Add the pieces slowly letting the juicer press the pieces through fully without overloading the chute.

Leave the lemon to last. Just drop it in whole.

Health Benefits

Weight Loss and Prostate Health

This juice recipe is an excellent weight loss juice as it is very low in calories (99), aids digestion and is super hydrating.

Zucchinis have one of the lowest calorie counts in the vegetable world. A single medium-sized zucchini only has around a measly 30 calories, which makes it an ideal choice to reach for if you’re trying to lose extra weight.

Zucchini contains phytonutrients that are important for prostate health as they can help to reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BOH).  They also contain powerful anti-inflammatory compounds which can aid asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

Zucchini is a highly alkaline food that is one of the mildest and easiest vegetables to digest. Zucchini is a great source of vitamin A, C, & B-complex as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, and manganese.