Make a Groovy Green Smoothie
Natural Alkalising Goodness. The fourth smoothie in our Rainbow Series is ‘Groovy Green. A really soft and creamy smoothie that would be great as a meal replacement or to get some greens in after a workout!
Spinach – oxygen rich
We all know how good leafy greens are for our body, but how many of us eat them on a daily basis? This is where green smoothies come into their own. They fill our body with oxygen-rich greens that perform such a critical role in our body. They are packed full of electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and not only do they feed our organs, they provide crucial chlorophyll to cleanse and purify our blood. There’s a reason why ‘Popeye’ existed back in the day, it was to teach kids how important leafy greens are to your diet to make you big and strong – a truest truth that is still true today!
Avocado – slow and steady
Good fats, this is what Avocado gifts our body with. Do you know it takes 9 months for an Avocado to grow? And, how funny that when you cut an Avocado in half, it looks just like a pregnant belly – and, what a ‘coincidence’ that babies take 9 months to grow. I wonder if Avocado’s are a good way to get ‘good fats’ in when you are pregnant and to reduce stretch marks (from the inside out)? There might be something in this me thinks…hehehe. So yes, you don’t have to be child-bearing to enjoy the internal goodness that Avocado’s bring, especially when they are coupled with leafy greens, Avocado helps our body absorb all of the nutrients so much better.
Banana – healing staple
Nutritional and healing. Banana’s offer us up so much. They are just a great fruit to have on hand, frozen or fresh at any time of the year. They fill a hungry tummy and help with digestive issues. They are great to use when you are feeling a bit foggy or if you just need to feel a sense of calm. They give you energy and help to regulate a sleep-cycle. And, if you don’t eat them quickly enough and they are becoming over-ripe, peel them and pop them into the freezer for your smoothies!
Ingredients - Makes 2 Cup
1/2 cup Organic Coconut Water
1 tin of Organic Coconut Milk
2 cups Baby Spinach
1 Banana frozen
1 Green Apple (peeled and cored)
1/2 Avocado (flesh only)
Tip: It’s not very sweet, so add a pitted date if you like it more on the sweet side.
Tip: If you want it less creamy, simply sub out the coconut milk with coconut water.
Step 1: Gather your ingredients and place them into the blender as follows:
Pour in your Coconut Milk
Add your Green Apple Quarters
Add your Avocado
Add your Baby Spinach
Add your Frozen Banana
Add Coconut Water
Step 2: Blend all together in your Kuvings Vacuum Blender
Place the lid on the jug and the noise-reduction cover on
Touch ‘power on’ button
Select vacuum blend option
Let the Blender do its thing.