How to make a homemade low-calorie Green Juice

Using your Kuvings Cold Press Juicer, give this low-calorie green juice a go. It is very light – under 100 calories for the entire 500ml of juice, ideal for a low-calorie juice go to!


This recipe is very light and refreshing juice that is easy to drink and well balanced. You mostly taste the cucumber with a hint of ginger.


4 Cucumber

4 Kale Leaves

1 Ginger, piece

Qty: 500ml



  • Remove leaves from the main stem (alternatively you can juice the stem)

  • Roughly chop the leaves

prepared kale, cucumber & ginger placed on a wooden board ready for juicing


  • Juice with skin on

  • Cut into pieces to fit the chute


  • Wash and dry

  • Cut into thin pieces the size of your thumbnail leaving the skin on


  1. Always juice the light ingredients first.

  2. Juice the Kale. You may need the pusher to help push the Kale on the press.

  3. Add the Ginger.

  4. Add the Cucumber.

Important when using a Cold press Juicer

Make sure when feeding through the chute that you don’t overload it with produce. If you try to put too much in at a time, you could potentially crack the drum lid and/or damage other internal parts including the motor. Also overloading the machine can cause the strainer to clog up and not filter through properly which will end up in blockage. Removing stones and/or large, hard pips from fruits such as olives or mangoes are also important as these will damage topset. The best thing to do is to let the machine “eat” the produce before continuing to feed the chute.