How to make Give me a Beet – Juice Recipe

Glass of beetroot juice ready to drink, surrounded by whole beetroot


Give me a beet, as the name suggests, is a juice recipe designed to fire you up and get you dancing during the cold months of winter ahead.

Beetroots add an amazing vibrant red colour to any juice recipe and they also add vibrancy to your life.


Sweet, tangy, and a little bit zesty.


  • 1 beetroot, large

  • 2 oranges

  • 1/2 lemon



Fruit prepared for juicing, sitting on a wooden board. Beetroot has been cut in half, then into quarters, lemon sliced thinly, skin removed from the oranges.
  • Cut in half and then into quarters

  • Slice each half into thin slices to make it easier to press

  • Juice with skin on (you can also juice the leaves and stems if you have them)


  • Remove the orange skin leaving as much white pith as possible

  • Juice whole or cut in half if too big to fit into the chute


  • Cut off any hard end points

  • Slice lemons into rounds with skin on to give more flavour, and get more juice from each lemon slice


Start with juicing in your Kuvings Cold Press Juicer the beetroot slices SLOWLY. Don’t overfeed the juicer, as beetroot is a solid vegetable to press.

Next add the oranges.

Finish with lemon slices.

health benefits


Beetroot is regarded as the "jewel" of the vegetable kingdom. They are the sweetest of all vegetables, they're loaded with nutrients and plant-based minerals.

The folate in beetroots helps lower high levels of homocysteine in your blood. Homocysteine is an amino acid produced when animal proteins are broken down.

Beetroot leaves can also be eaten or juiced if you have them available. They have known benefits for improving eye health, vitamin K, and vitamin C, for boosting the immune system. The leaves are actually higher in iron than spinach leaves.


Lemons are a must have ingredient in any juicing kitchen. They help make veggie juices taste better and help fruit juices last longer when stored in the fridge. Lemons are rich in bioflavonoids which can significantly boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Lemon juice is known to be particularly beneficial for colds, coughs, and sore throats.

Lemons act as a cleanser and astringent; they squeeze toxins from the tissues and stimulate the liver to detoxify.