How to make a Multivitamin Juice

A winter juice featuring beetroot and kale can be a powerful elixir for fighting fatigue and promoting healthy skin. Both beetroot and kale are packed with essential nutrients that offer numerous health benefits. However, for first-time juicers, the bitter taste of these ingredients might take some getting used to.


1 Tomato

1/2 Carrot

1 Celery (stalk)

1 Kale (leaf)

1/4 Beetroot

Spinach (handful)

1/8 Cabbage

Parsley (small bunch)


  1. Wash the ingredients well.

  2. Remove the stems from the tomato.

  3. Cut the ingredients as needed to fit the chute.

  4. Juice the ingredients in the Kuvings Cold Press Juicer alternating between the ingredients.

Tip: You can add pear, orange, or apple depending on your taste buds.

A chart saying why beetroot is good for you