Green Lemonade

A nice Minty aroma eminated from this refreshing, healthy juice. Enjoy!



The juice tastes tangy and slightly sweet. I found it very refreshing and a must have on a warm spring day poured over ice with some fresh mint and a slice of lemon to garnish.


  • 1/2 pineapple

  • 2 cucumbers (large)

  • 1 lemon

  • 1 mint handful

Juicing Time: 5 mins
Juice Qty: 1000ml



  • Slice off the outer skin

  • Cut into long thin strips to fit down the chute

  • Chop the core into small chunks


  • Cut into chunks to fit down the chute

  • Juice with skin on


  • Remove stickers and cut off any hard end points

  • Slice lemons into rounds with skin on to give more flavour and get more juice from each lemon.


  • Remove the leaves from the woody stems


  1. To start making this juice add the cucumber chunks into the wide chute of your Kuvings Cold Press Juicer slowly. Allow each piece to be pressed fully before adding the next piece.

  2. Add the mint leave next. I grab a whole handful and drop them into the chute.

  3. Next add the pineapple strips one by one and then the pineapple core pieces.

  4. Finish making this juice by adding all the lemon slices at once.


Pineapple has been used as a folk remedy for centuries for a variety of ailments, particularly digestive problems. Pineapple contains Bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion and also helps to reduce swelling and inflammation when consumed in-between meals.

Cucumber counteracts toxins and can lift depression. Cucumber's also acts as a digestive aid because they contain an enzyme that breaks down protein and cleanses the intestines.

Lemons are high in potassium to help control blood pressure as well as nourishing the brain and nerve cells.

Mint can help to promote blood circulation and improve metabolism making it an excellent choice for cleansing and weight loss.