How to make a Digestive Delight Juice

Digestive delight juice poured into a glass ready to drink with a slice of lemon to garnish

Cabbage transcends its traditional roles in coleslaw and sauerkraut, showcasing its versatility and offering incredible benefits for the digestive system. This adaptable vegetable, when combined with other digestive-friendly ingredients as featured in this recipe, becomes a potent ally in promoting a healthy gut.

Juicing cabbage is a transformative process that unlocks its full potential, enabling the body to effortlessly absorb its rich nutrients. If you seek a natural and effective means to support your digestive health, indulge in this cabbage-based recipe and discover the wonders it can bring to your overall well-being.

Equipment used for this recipe

Kuvings Cold Press Juicers - all the models in the range are suitable.


This juice recipe offers a light and easy-to-drink experience. Its refreshing taste strikes a delightful balance between sweetness, tanginess, and a subtle peppery note.


  • 1/2 Cabbage - Green

  • 1/2 Pineapple

  • 1 handful Mint Leaves

  • 1 Ginger piece (5cm)



placed on a round wooden board is prepared pineapple, cabbage, mint & ginger ready for juicing
  • Cut into half

  • Cut into slices approx 5cm wide

  • Chop into pieces small enough to fit down the chute


  • Slice off the outer skin

  • Cut into long thin strips to fit down the chute

  • Chop the core into small chunks


  • Remove the leaves from the woody stems

  • Juice leaves in handfuls


  • Wash and dry

  • Cut into thin pieces the size of your thumbnail leaving the skin on

Cold Press Juicing Method

It's advisable to always start with herbs to maximise their flavour infusion into the juice. Begin by adding a whole handful of mint leaves into the juicer.

Following the herbs, introduce cabbage pieces gradually, allowing the juicer to process each handful. Don't be alarmed by the squeaking noise; it's a normal part of the juicing process.

Continue by adding ginger slices to the mix.

Finally, incorporate the pineapple. Add the strips one at a time, ensuring each piece is pressed through before adding more. Save the core pieces for last, adding individually to complete the juicing process.

Happy Juicing!

Tip: When selecting cabbage, opt for a heavy-sized head with bright, colourful, and crisp leaves. Ensure that the cabbage feels firm to the touch when assessing its exterior. This indicates freshness and quality.