How to make Watermelon Granita

Watermelon Granita sounds like the perfect summer treat! The simplicity and freshness of a three-ingredient recipe make it even more appealing. More exciting than water ice and less creamy than ice cream, granita is like shaved ice, but with a twist. Only 5 minutes of hands-on prep time, it’s a simple dish that you can whip together and have ready to go for hot summer days ahead.

Equipment used for this recipe


  • ½ of a medium seedless watermelon

  • 1 slice of lime with zest

  • Sugar for sweetness if needed


  1. Cold press watermelon and lime together in your Kuvings Juicer.

  2. Pour into a shallow, wide pan and freeze for 1 hour.

  3. Spread mixture with fork and freeze for another hour.

  4. Spread and freeze for one more hour.

  5. Spread and serve in cups.

Tip: Serve when mixture is slushy and crunchy, YUM!