How to make Mellow Yellow Juice

Bananas can be incorporated into a cold press juicer. Instead of extracting juice, you'll experience a delightful infusion of flavour and texture.

This recipe revolves around the vibrant yellow fruits of autumn. The yellow pigments not only enhance the immune system but also, I can assure you, preparing this juice will infuse your morning with a delightful sense of childlike wonder and play.

Wishing you joyful juicing!

Equipment used for this recipe

Kuvings Cold Press Juicers - all the models in the range are suitable.


Incredible taste, combining sweetness and tanginess with a rich, creamy texture reminiscent of a smoothie.


2 Bananas

2 Pears

2 Apples

l Lemon



  • Peel the skin

  • Juice whole


  • Remove the hard wooden stems

  • Juice whole or cut in half to fit chute


  • Remove the stems

  • Juice apples whole with skin and seeds

  • Cut in half or quarters to fit chute


  • Cut off any hard end points

  • Slice lemons into rounds with skin on to give more flavour and get more juice from each lemon


Ensure to start with the bananas. We know you don’t get juice from a banana but they will add flavour and some flesh will push through the press when you add the remaining ingredients .

Next, add the apples one at a time letting each one press through before adding the next one.

Add the pears in the same way as the apples. If the pears are too soft they take some time to press through the juicer.

Finish with the lemon slices.

Tip: Kuvings AUTO10 Layering Order: Banana, Pear, Lemon, Apple